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494. Kwaga Sillingi. Acrylic on paper.96cm x 100cm.  ACTIONSPACE.jpg
Submissions open until 17 June 2023

Step 1

Rules of Entry

  • Entry is open internationally – anyone from around the world can enter their work. 

- Entry to Artworks Together is open exclusively to individuals with learning disabilities, autism or both.

- Learning disabilities and/or autism must be accurately classified/described as a part of the application form for the submission to be considered.

-Anyone considered to have a learning disability, autism or both is eligible to enter.

-You must be over the age of 16 to submit your work.


  • For an application to be considered, all required fields of the application form must be completed.

- The applicant must have read, understood and accepted the Terms and Conditions in order to submit their application.

-In the event of the applicant being unable to read/accept the Terms and Conditions themselves, a parent or guardian must do so on their behalf. This chosen parent/guardian must be readily present and contactable during the selection process.

-For those who may be unable to access the internet personally, we ask for you to find someone that can apply for you on your behalf.


  • The applicant must be the legal copyright holder of the work submitted.

-It is the responsibility of the artist to ensure that the work is not restricted under any copyright law.


  • Group and individual entries are welcome.

-Ensure that the names and individuals contributions are described in the application form. In the event of such an application, one member of the group must be labelled as the “primary artist” and act as representative for the full group. 


  • The artwork can be about anything you choose.


  • Please only submit one piece of artwork per person.


  • Groups or collectives can enter up to 5 pieces of artwork.


  • Once submitted, the submission cannot be edited in any way.





Step 2

Entry Format

Step 2

Entry size - A4 (210mm x 297mm) to A0 (841mm x 1189mm) – max file size of uploaded image is 15mb. 


Preferred file types:


Images: PNG/TIFF

Videos: ​MP4, MOV

Audio: MP3, WAV 


Accepted forms of art are: pencil, acrylic, watercolour, oil painting, paper art, woodblock print, calligraphy, embroidery, sculpture, film, photography, digital art etc.  

- Please ensure that you include a high-resolution digital capture of your artwork within your application.  If it does not meet the specifications we will not be able to judge the entry. For a help sheet on how to photograph your work please click here. For more information on the Entry Format, please open the PDF to read our Terms and Conditions.

Step 3

Points of Caution

  • Submissions are only accepted via the Artworks Together website via the form on the artist submission​ page. Entries outside of this designated system will not be considered. Entries sent in error will be destroyed. 


  • Applications that do not adhere to the specified guidelines and Terms and Conditions, or rules for entry will not be considered. 


  • Only submit art for which the artist or artist's representative can claim full copyright for. 


  • By submitting your work to Artworks Together you agree that if your work is selected for inclusion in our exhibition, we have full permission to exhibit the work as a part of our exhibitions in perpetuity.

- If for any reason you do not want your work included after submitting, you must inform us within 5 working days of the final submission deadline. Confirmation must be granted by the organisers in order for work to be officially withdrawn.


  • If a piece of work is submitted accompanied with an incomplete submission form, the application will not be considered.

- It is the responsibility of the applicant or acting facilitator to ensure their application is completed in full.

- Artworks Together is not strictly responsible for contacting applicants regarding incomplete applications


  • Artworks selected to be exhibited at ArtWorks Together, may be subject to sale, or reproduction. This may result in change or modification of the work. 

-In the case of sale, proceeds via royalties will be paid to the artist. 


  • By submitting, the applicant grants full permission for Artworks South Yorkshire to use the work for the purpose of advertising and promotion for Artworks Together, regardless of the final outcome of the judging process. 



Enty Format


1st Award


2nd Award 


3rd Award


3 Judges Awards

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